pipe line connection in oil refinery


Integrated Visualisation Management IVM is a software solution that bridges the gap between data sources and sophisticated Petroleum Engineering analytical & modeling tools to provide engineers, operators and management a way to organize and visualize the data and trends. Often, with IVM's analytical capabilities such as advanced trending, XY plots and Horner plots, decisions can be made and actions can be taken quickly without the need for further analysis. If further analysis with more sophisticated modeling tools is needed, IVM provides an easy graphical ability to select and condition the data and export it into other modeling tools.

Collaborative Forum

IVM provides the missing connectivity between real time control systems, data historians, and production accounting systems, so personnel have timely information at their fingertips via various mobile devices. The connectivity provided by IVM brings together geographically distributed facility, production, reservoir, and management personnel by providing a common, easy-to-use virtual forum to collaborate and work together. IVM delivers real-time information and the tools that accelerate quick interactions between these separate disciplines.

Integrated Visualisation Manager (IVM) provides producing companies with unmatched production management tools that provide for better and faster decisions in resolving the day-to-day, hour-to-hour issues that oil companies face in producing oil & gas. Producing companies face many challenges in producing the hydrocarbons that the world needs and in managing their business such as controlling cost, maximizing recovery and maximizing profits.



  • Increase revenue from reduced deferred production:

    • by avoiding future shut-ins through proactive repairs of root cause problems

    • by getting shut-ins back online quicker

    • by allowing user to quickly count, organize, and report recurring upsets so that they may be eliminated

  • Reduce cycle times for making decisions regarding well and production initiatives:

  • Dramatically shorten the time-to-value decisions for your most important assets

  • Dramatically shorten the time-to-value decisions for your most important assets

  • Spend more time in engineering analysis and less time on data management

  • Works with existing DCS / SCADA / HMI / Data Historian platforms

Production Engineering

What production engineers enjoy most from IVM is the ability to quickly and easily analyse well problems so that corrective action can be applied before downtime occurs. Production engineers can see downhole data overlain on multiple surface data parameters to get a complete picture of well performance. The same picture can be traced over time to detect trends or deviations. Real time well performance can be quickly and easily compared to wellbore model predictions to determine when a well is not performing according to predictions.

Production engineers find IVM’s XY Plotting capabilities particularly useful when monitoring the performance of ESP’s. The actual rate and pressure performance of the downhole pumps can be displayed on an overlay of the published performance curves for the pumps to see if the pump is operating in an acceptable range. Alerts and alarms can be set any measure variable on to warn if the pump is moving into an unacceptable range.

Additionally, IVM’s computer assisted production well testing application makes it easy for the operations and production team to conduct consistent and accurate production well tests leading to more accurate production allocations and better operational decisions about the wells. IVM’s curve fitting allows the production engineer to easily manage and accurately report decline and depletion making more accurate production forecasts possible.

Reservoir Engineering

In addition to being able to see downhole pressures on wells that are instrumented with downhole gages, reservoir engineers are able to easily spot and analyze pressure buildups that have occurred whenever a well has been shut-in for any reason. This capability reduces the need for a special shut-in period to get pressure build up data.

IVM’s built in Horner Plot and MDH analysis features give the reservoir engineer a quick and easy way to calculate P* . These values can then be compared for multiple wells and can be stored and trended over time. This provides the reservoir engineer with a wealth of information not previously available since good pressure buildup data typically required a special shut-in of a well.

Also, with IVM’s data cleansing capabilities, reservoir engineers can easily prepare data for analysis using their favorite reservoir analysis and modeling tools such as Andex Energy Services, Kappa, Schlumberger, etc. Actual performance can be compared to predictive models quickly and easily.

Facilities Engineering

Facilities engineers find IVM particularly helpful when trouble shooting process performance problems or trying to optimize process performance. The ability to see performance data from the entire process at one time and to plot and trend up to eight different parameters gives the engineer and instant overview of process performance. This performance information can be compared to predicted performance from process simulators to pinpoint deviations. Comparison of real time data to predicted performance can be automated to give alerts and/or alarms when deviations exceed predetermined limits.

Facilities engineers also find IVM valuable in understanding and optimizing performance of specific equipment items. As an example, rate and pressure measurements from pumps can be displayed on an XY Plot with manufactures performance curves as an overlay. Monitoring hydraulic fluid pressures and/or hydraulic pump on/off cycle times can detect hydraulic leaks and send an alert or alarm before loss of hydraulic pressure can cause a costly platform shut-in.


Operators like IVM for its ability to display any measured parameter on easy to use displays giving them a complete overview of the operation. They especially like the alert/alarm feature in IVM. The alerts and alarms can call their attention on specific areas allowing them diagnose pending problems and take corrective before a more serious problem or shutdown occurs.

Operators find IVM’s first out capabilities extremely useful in quickly determining the root cause of equipment shutdowns. Being able to know quickly what caused a shutdown speeds the process of repairing or correcting the problems and enables equipment to be brought back on line quicker so that production losses are minimized. Analyzing trends in first out occurrences illuminates troublesome components that can then be fixed or put into scheduled maintenance programs to eliminate downtime.


The online collaborative environment of IVM is used by managers to facilitate problem solving sessions and decision making without the costly delays of scheduling meetings to hear technical presentations and make decisions. Using IVM, valuable input from everyone involved can be obtained online while everyone is looking at the same data. The problem solving cycle time is greatly reduced to minimize lost production.

Managers also find IVM invaluable in being able to monitor high interest activity such as production from a new expensive well. With IVM managers can see any data element from their operations they choose to monitor.


Extend Trend Curves to Forecast Future Values

  • Trend curves can be extended into future

  • Allows forecast of future values

  • Calculate values at any future date


  • Easy determination of when desired or important values will be achieved

  • Easy determination of what values will be at selected time in the future

Well Test Analysis

  • Keep track of wells in production test

  • Keep track of information generated during well test.

  • Complete journal of well test information

  • Well test data is used in conjunction with well flowing statuses to calculate a real time Facility Battery Factor.

  • Measurement data from process meters (fuel gas, flare gas, process oil meters, process water meters, etc.) and selected fiscal metering equipment (gas export meters) is also used to calculate the Facility Battery factor.


  • Automating of the well test function better facilitates accurate and consistent well tests, Real-time well test volumes and 24-hour rates are available to operations and engineering decision makers as soon as the well test purge ends.

Built in Reservoir Surveillance Capability

  • Quick and easy generation of Horner and MDH plots.

  • Calculate and Trend P* , skin, permeability, productivity index, depletion, and provide curve fit modeling of any of these data

  • Perform surveillance on numerous wells

  • Produce actionable results from which decisions can be made regarding zones, reservoir, completions, etc.

  • Easily identify wells that are in need of more sophisticated pressure transient analysis (e.g. Saphir)

  • Calculate and Trend estimated allocations for oil, gas, and water for each well and each reservoir or sand

  • Stores comments and analysis in data base


  • Improved understanding of reservoir communication

  • Increase recoverable reserves with better oversight of injection

  • Increase individual Reservoir Engineers’ productivity


Display Same Data at Different Locations in Collaborative Environment

  • Data accessible over Intranet or Internet

  • Same data can be displayed simultaneously at different locations


  • Everyone from engineering and operations to management can see the same data at the same time

  • Facilitates collaboration

  • Same data on site and at the office

  • One source of “the truth”

Email Screen Shots

  • Screen shots exported to e-mail program. Attach trending screenshots to an email with one click.


  • Allows sharing of observations with joint venture partners or other interested parties who do not have IVM available to them

Visualization and Trending

Data visualization and analysis for collaborative environment

  • Display data from any available source

  • Ad hoc choice of data depending on question being addressed

  • Display the entire data set or any portion.

  • Chart up to eight separate data sets at the same time on individual (and different) scales

  • Zoom in and out to see detail or general relationships


  • The ability to quickly and easily display multiple data sets gives the user powerful capability to visualize and analyze well or process performance to correct problems or to optimize return on investments.

  • Many problems can be identified, analyzed, and solutions determined just from looking at the data

Historical Trending and Comparative Analysis

  • Point and click functions with ten different mathematical curve fit routines allow quick analysis


  • Provides easy to use data historian tool for operator and/or engineer for well management and analysis of the surface process trains and equipment. Using the data historian is useful in analysis of recurring upsets and can help uncover the root cause of these events.

Quick identification of time intervals and data ranges

  • Vertical or horizontal dividers can be used to measure time intervals or ranges of data (pressures, temperatures, rates, etc.)


  • Quick determination of values for faster analysis of problems, bottlenecks, and potential optimization of production

Ability to Overlay Different Data

  • Slide the chart axes for each data set independently to overlay data sets to compare and look for relationships


  • Easy identification of cause and effect by comparing disparate data directly.

  • Ad hoc comparisons made quickly and easily

  • Not constrained to fixed reports

Annotate Historical Data

  • Add comments to historical data

  • Comments become a part of the display


  • Easy to record the conclusions or observations of prior work

X-Y Cross-plots

  • Any variable in the system can be cross-plotted with any other variable


  • Easy identification of cross dependencies in data

  • Create important diagnostics, such as

    • Pump curves

    • Vessel positioning